Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Your 1st Birthday

Well what a year, it's gone so quick, you've grown up and become a real character. You make everyone laugh so much and you are a joy to be with.
Nan and granddad came down to stay over and we all had a meal with Chris and nana Sheena (the drunken bus stop one) You were tired after a busy day so went to bed.
Your grandad phoned from Spain to wish you happy birthday and to say he's been enjoying reading your blog and travels.
You had lots of nice presents including clothes, play tunnels, rocking horse, books, games and loved them all. You also had two safety jackets???? Not sure what they are telling us but must think we are going to have you doing all sorts?
I've put some pictures of the day and will do more tomorrow.
It's your first session at nursery tomorrow so I will also blog about that too.
Sleep well gorgeous, love you lots and lots and forever and ever, mom and dad. Xxx

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