Monday, 13 August 2012

Euro Trip - Monaco

Arrived at about 4pm and the place is fantastic, Ferraris and Bentleys everywhere but better still are the buildings and views. Had a wall through Casino Square and down the Marina. You enjoyed yourself dancing every time we walked past music at a restaurant and then did your usual and pooed your nappy. We could not find a toilet so decided to change you in the marina, right next to multi million pound boats ( bet they never expected to see that sight in Monaco ) Went back to room, you had bath and then went for late walk and dinner . You got over tired and cried so we had to rock you asleep in your pram.
Going back to room now where you will hopefully have a good sleep, us to would be nice. Sweet dreams gorgeous, love you. Mum and dad xxx xxx

Ps you mum thought the Jean Paul Gaultier Coke can was awesome?????? Strange mummy

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