Friday, 24 August 2012

Euro Trip - "dessert"

The last blog was written while we had dinner. Straight after we decided to have I've cream at our usual place as the service had not been fantastic, compared to the great service we had received every previous day.
As I said in the last post you had been feeding yourself, so when I picked you up I was surprised and commented how clean your dress was.
At the same time you mum said, to my astonishment "have you farted?". Off course not I replied picking you up. Then I noticed a brown patch on my had, "what's that?, oh no it's you who had farted and this time followed through, exploding out of your nappy.
It was everywhere, I had to clean the seat of the high chair, it was on my shirt, the clothes we used to push you forward in the seat, including your limbed trousers.
We bought a bottle of water on the way back to wash your hands.
When we got back you and me just stood in the shower while your mum cleaned everything.
We finally did and you won't to bed clean and tidy.
When I woke up this morning this was the very first thing I saw, you looked very beautiful so I thought I would take a picture. Love you lots Dad xxx
PS I then looked up and unfortunately seen this yawning monster behind you, then realised it was your mom, lol.

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