Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Euro Trip - Italy

We all went for a swim this morning
at the hotel pool, you loved it splashing around and as usual fell asleep on the bed when we got back to the room. Visited Sanremo on our way to Lavagna (Italian Riviera) we decided to take the coast road and the views were spectacular, particularly as we left Monaco. You were very good, as usual. In Sanremo you tried to jump out of my arms and would not stop dancing. The sun was setting as we arrived at Lavagna, very pretty.
We are on restaurant now about to eat and we have just ordered a bottle of Prosecco and my mussels have been served. You however are now feeding yourself small pieces of bread soaked in olive oil and Parma ham. We have not heard a noise from you in the 15 minutes, you love it. Mum just videoed you. For main you had pieces of spaghetti with parsley, again you loved it, along with sips of water. You and I started to feed each other, which you though was funny (mum videoed that as well) we will publish the video's when we get home. We will blog more tomorrow.

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