Friday, 17 August 2012

Euro Trip - Powerade Active

During the night your mom got up to feed you, as normal. I then got up and went to the bathroom, noticing the bottle of Powerade on the side of the sink.
When I asked your mum what bottle she used "the one on the side of the sink" she replied.
Thus, your 4am feed was made up of the following recipe:
4oz of boiled water
4oz of Powerade Active, lemon flavour
5 scoops of Aptamil powdered milk

The above was then shaken, not stirred and served in a feeding bottle.
However, you drank every bit of it but did wake up doing somersaults on the bed, lol.
Your mums defence was that the bottles looked similar? Attached picture shows both bottles for you to decide.
Funny mummy, she does make us laugh.
We then went for breakfast and you done an explosive poo which Leaked into your high chair and we had to clean, luckily most had left the breakfast room. We got back, changed you and though we would give you some 'naked' time. Then you decided to wee on the floor.
Gong to the beach this morning then on a train ride this evening.

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