Friday, 17 August 2012

Euro Trip - Time to get my own back!

We've been at the beach this morning, you liked playing with all the pebbles and you met an Italian boyfriend! - you weren't sure about the noise of the waves though but we had a nice play and now you're fast asleep, stark naked in your cot! - I've taken a picture but have protected your modesty! Speaking of which, your daddy has no shame and until we bought him some Y-fronts yesterday he's been strutting his stuff commando! He's also contemplating growing a porno-style moustache! Ha ha! We're trying to decide what to do this afternoon, we were going to get the ferry to Portofino but the times are a bit early and we just found out that it costs 60euro per hour parking! - when you're older that might not seem a lot but to put it into perspective, our dinner including a bottle of prosecco was less than that last night! Happy holidays though x

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