Sunday, 14 October 2012

What a clever girl ...... Unlike her mon & dad

Well what a Sunday it's been so far. Whilst loading the car to go the tip I put you in the car seat and gave you my car key to play with (mistake) when I went back out you had locked the car an thrown the keys down onto the seat. Well, me and your mum had a panic but you stayed calm.
At first we kept saying 'pick up the keys' which you did but then dropped them down the side of the seat.
I tried to get coat hanger to pick up keys (never going to work). At this point your mom is stood on the bonnet trying to direct my handmade coat-hanger towards the keys and at the same time entertain you by doing virtual 'high-fives' through the window! You knew we were after the keys and kept reaching for them but could not reach.
Your nan came down riding Fin with her friends to see you, it was a shame because you could of sat on her, maybe next time.
We then realised that if you pull the inside door handle twice it will open.
I will say at this point that you are 14 months old and it was asking a lot. However, while I'm fashioning a contraption to get in, your moms singing "row row row your boat" but pointing to the handle. I obviously think your moms barking and carry on making my contraption.
Low and behold you did it, pulled the handle 'twice' and your out.
Now that's a clever girl. Love you. Xxx

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