Tuesday, 9 October 2012

These boots were made for walking

Getting cold and wet now, you love going out on you trike and as you only wear socks you feet got very wet the weekend.

Grandad was over from Spain for a long weekend and we all had a great time, Your auntie Joe came over as well, which was nice, eating, drinking and chatting.
We and grandad took you shopping to Cheltenham on Sunday and we bought you these boots to keep your feet warm. We chose these because they are like moms and we could get you feet in them!!!!!!
We bought you some other shoes and grandad bough you a special suit, I will post them later.
Your not too well at the moment, with a cough and you've lost you're voice, your being very good though and a good girl.
Mom and dad are very busy with breathe Digital at the moment but alls well.
Love you lots gorgeous. More than you will ever know, you make us very happy. Moms very special too but don't tell her I told you, our secret. Dad xxxxxxxxx

PS; it's not that yours are small it's the fact that your moms are massive, lol.

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