Monday, 1 October 2012

Tango 2 - Nan strikes back

We now officially know where you mum gets her madness from........ It's official and it's you nan.

Remember before our holiday your mum had a spray tan and looked very, very orange???

Well your nan's gone one better and not only had a spray tan but the darkest spray tan I have ever seen, she is hilarious. I feel sorry for Chris having to sit beside her on the plane, I'm fact I will be offering him a balaclava and sunglasses!!

Words are not enough to describe her colour so just look at the pictures.
Also, with your mum being the loving, supportive daughter she had art worked your nan's face on to Madge from the program Benidorm, she's really dark but as the picture shows is nothing compared to your nan, lol.

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