Sunday, 21 October 2012

Yummy, my lunch time treat!!!

This is your mom preparing your lunch for nursery tomorrow. It's about 12:30am and we've been working late. This is a picture of your mom cutting up the pasta with scissors. Obviously dressed the part on her black lace top, not to sure about the pink socks though!!!!!

Izzy & Grandad

We went to see nan and grandad last week, we did a surprise visit. Here you are playing with Grandad and making us all laugh. Xxx

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Injection Day

You had to go and have your 2 booster jabs today, one in each leg. The first was OK but the second really hurt you and your bottom lip started quivering.
So we decided to give you a nice bath and wrap you in your comfy dressing gown, you were much happier after that. Xxx

Biking... Or should I say Triking around Kemerton

Life in the fast lane........
It was a lovely day today do mum took you out in your trike, which you still love. It's your favourite mode of transport now.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

What a clever girl ...... Unlike her mon & dad

Well what a Sunday it's been so far. Whilst loading the car to go the tip I put you in the car seat and gave you my car key to play with (mistake) when I went back out you had locked the car an thrown the keys down onto the seat. Well, me and your mum had a panic but you stayed calm.
At first we kept saying 'pick up the keys' which you did but then dropped them down the side of the seat.
I tried to get coat hanger to pick up keys (never going to work). At this point your mom is stood on the bonnet trying to direct my handmade coat-hanger towards the keys and at the same time entertain you by doing virtual 'high-fives' through the window! You knew we were after the keys and kept reaching for them but could not reach.
Your nan came down riding Fin with her friends to see you, it was a shame because you could of sat on her, maybe next time.
We then realised that if you pull the inside door handle twice it will open.
I will say at this point that you are 14 months old and it was asking a lot. However, while I'm fashioning a contraption to get in, your moms singing "row row row your boat" but pointing to the handle. I obviously think your moms barking and carry on making my contraption.
Low and behold you did it, pulled the handle 'twice' and your out.
Now that's a clever girl. Love you. Xxx

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

These boots were made for walking

Getting cold and wet now, you love going out on you trike and as you only wear socks you feet got very wet the weekend.

Grandad was over from Spain for a long weekend and we all had a great time, Your auntie Joe came over as well, which was nice, eating, drinking and chatting.
We and grandad took you shopping to Cheltenham on Sunday and we bought you these boots to keep your feet warm. We chose these because they are like moms and we could get you feet in them!!!!!!
We bought you some other shoes and grandad bough you a special suit, I will post them later.
Your not too well at the moment, with a cough and you've lost you're voice, your being very good though and a good girl.
Mom and dad are very busy with breathe Digital at the moment but alls well.
Love you lots gorgeous. More than you will ever know, you make us very happy. Moms very special too but don't tell her I told you, our secret. Dad xxxxxxxxx

PS; it's not that yours are small it's the fact that your moms are massive, lol.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Tango 2 - Nan strikes back

We now officially know where you mum gets her madness from........ It's official and it's you nan.

Remember before our holiday your mum had a spray tan and looked very, very orange???

Well your nan's gone one better and not only had a spray tan but the darkest spray tan I have ever seen, she is hilarious. I feel sorry for Chris having to sit beside her on the plane, I'm fact I will be offering him a balaclava and sunglasses!!

Words are not enough to describe her colour so just look at the pictures.
Also, with your mum being the loving, supportive daughter she had art worked your nan's face on to Madge from the program Benidorm, she's really dark but as the picture shows is nothing compared to your nan, lol.

Pumpkin Disaster

We started a little vegetable patch in the garden this year, we decided to grow tomatoes and pumpkins.
We have not had the best of summers so things have been slow.
We've had plenty of lovely, tasty tomatoes and brought them in yesterday to ripen.
However, we have 2 pumpkins developing and decided to trim the plant to help them grow, I (dad) did the top and your mom did the bottom.
I came home from work today, first thing your mom said is the pumpkins looking a little sad??? Don't worry its probably in shock, will be OK???

Decided to have a look, oh no, your plonka of a mum trimmed it alright, cut it in half right at the bottom and killed it.

She even said if we put it in water will it survive???
AsI keep saying, despite all this we still love her, silly mummy xxx