Friday, 15 November 2013

We've been utterly crap but we're back to it now!

Right, well firstly apologies to those that read the blog and haven't had an update since September! We're officially rubbish! Anyway, we're back now!! 

It's been a busy couple of months, things of note, we're currently in the process of moving house and as a result are living in a sort of organized chaos! - unfortunately when we moved all of the furniture (originally from April Cottage) back into the house in preparation for moving, you fell and split your lip on a horrible coffee table! - Cue a frenzied drive to Cheltenham hospital (it's worth interjecting at this point to say that whilst your daddy is awesome at most things he is absolutely,categorically useless in a crisis! - he initially sat in the back with you  trying to stem the bleeding but before we had barely got halfway down the road he 'couldn't cope' and wanted to drive; well, it's a miracle that any of us are here now, 100mph down the 'seven bends' road with a panicked driver is NOT recommended!) before being referred to Gloucester (again, NOT the place to be at any time, let alone on a Friday night!) where they thought you might benefit from stitches. Well, in the end they decided not to stitch (we went back on the Saturday to make sure!) and I'm pleased to say that it's healing remarkably well considering how deep it was. - and throughout you were such a little trooper! xxx

What else? Well, I think Ray's got a load of updates to do and as we're currently waiting for daddy to finish work so we can go into cheltenham and see the bubbles! - amongst planned shopping I might add! Ray needs a new coat and we're off racing tomorrow which I'm sure will be FREEZING! - hopefully we'll win some pennies on the horses! 

Toodle-pip, Mummy x

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