Thursday 18 April 2013

Izzy's bunged up!

Izzy's had a poorly tummy for the past two days, well she's been fine in herself but she's been a bit constipated so we've been trying everything we can to make sure she can go for a poo! She's been straining and red-faced (she was bent over earlier banging her hands against the window), whilst you feel sorry for her we couldn't help but smile as it was slightly comical! Anyway, after a concoction of coconut water, chorizo and tomato roasted cod, peas, half a mango and a warm bath she finally (leaning against the fridge banging the door, red faced, sweating, straining, in her little dressing gown, resembling the hulk) had a MASSIVE (too much information) poo and is now much better! I recognise that this is a bit of a grim post but the photo is very funny and worthy of a blog and likewise, the video following where she was naked running around the kitchen had to be posted too!

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