Saturday 27 April 2013


Well it's been a while since I blogged, been very busy but you are growing up fast. We had a great long weekend in Brighton and Nan and Grandad came down to look after you. You had a good time as Nanny Sheena took you and nanny Belle to the car boot ( the car boot season has now started so you best get used to being dragged around every Saturday morning, lol)
While in Brighton we ate at Fishy Fishy, I had an all over massage ( which was bloody heaven), we did some shopping, watched the Brighton Marathon, oh and your mom went to an SEO Conference..... Really exciting.
When we got back you were in a bit of a strop with us and kept hugging nanny, you do hold grudges, but soon came round. We did miss you lots.... And we will when we go to London for your moms birthday weekend, lol. Xxx

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