Sunday, 28 April 2013

Yumee or not yumee

Well, it did not taste too bad considering that it looked like sick on a plate.
It was suppose to be cauliflower cheese, however, it then turned into cauliflower soup and finally 2 sausages appeared (random)
Your mom is usually a good cook and I can only assume it was an off day, lol.
Look and see for yourself.

Fashion Morning

It's 8am and you have woken up very chatty and want to play. So you have decided to empty your wardrobe and want to try everything on. You hand me your clothing of choice, I dress you and you then proceed to run from one side of the bed to the other showing me and your mom, with a bit if posing in the middle. Very funny girl and I think your showing signs of liking to dress a bit 'grunge' just like your mom then, lol. Xxx
Ps: the last pictures are of you wanting each redding to take it in turn and sit on the chair.

Playing in the garden.

We have a bird bath in the centre of he garden and every time we walk past it you want to play in it.
It was a particularly nice day today and we had been playing in Brecon Park ( your mom will upload the video, hilarious) When we got back you started picking flowers and putting them in the bird bath, very beautiful, lol. Xxx

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Dancing and more dancing...

It is becoming a regular event, especially as your mom is trying really hard to Greg you to walk flat footed.... and I have to say she works really hard with you on your exercises and making you walk better, all the results are down to your mom do don't forget to say thank you when you read this when your older.
Anyway, here are a random selection of pictures of you dancing around the kitchen, love you. Xxx


Well it's been a while since I blogged, been very busy but you are growing up fast. We had a great long weekend in Brighton and Nan and Grandad came down to look after you. You had a good time as Nanny Sheena took you and nanny Belle to the car boot ( the car boot season has now started so you best get used to being dragged around every Saturday morning, lol)
While in Brighton we ate at Fishy Fishy, I had an all over massage ( which was bloody heaven), we did some shopping, watched the Brighton Marathon, oh and your mom went to an SEO Conference..... Really exciting.
When we got back you were in a bit of a strop with us and kept hugging nanny, you do hold grudges, but soon came round. We did miss you lots.... And we will when we go to London for your moms birthday weekend, lol. Xxx

Dancing and Singing!!!!

It's that time of night again and we re all dancing and doing exercises to try and make you walk with flat feet, and not on your tip-toes.
So it's dancing and singing 'the wheels on the bus go round and round' with its if added actions like 'stamp your feet' 'squat' etc. here are some photos of you in action. Try and find the one where your moms peering in the background looking like a right pest.... Lol xxx

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Izzy's bunged up!

Izzy's had a poorly tummy for the past two days, well she's been fine in herself but she's been a bit constipated so we've been trying everything we can to make sure she can go for a poo! She's been straining and red-faced (she was bent over earlier banging her hands against the window), whilst you feel sorry for her we couldn't help but smile as it was slightly comical! Anyway, after a concoction of coconut water, chorizo and tomato roasted cod, peas, half a mango and a warm bath she finally (leaning against the fridge banging the door, red faced, sweating, straining, in her little dressing gown, resembling the hulk) had a MASSIVE (too much information) poo and is now much better! I recognise that this is a bit of a grim post but the photo is very funny and worthy of a blog and likewise, the video following where she was naked running around the kitchen had to be posted too!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Coffee Morning

Our last day in Brighton, we were up early watching the Chinese Grand Prix (Alonso win) and we are at our favourite coffee shop, in the lanes (The Manor)
After this we are going for another walk round the shops then off to watch the finish of the marathon on the sea front.
Breakfast is here so were off now to EAT. Xxx


Me and your mom have been away this weekend in Brighton. You mom had an SEO Conference on Friday morning while I went for a blissfully back, neck and facial massage, which was wonderful.
Nan and grandad came down from Birmingham and are looking after you at home. You went with both your Nan's to the first car boot of the season (I feel this will be the start of your Saturday morning ritual during the summer if nanny Sheena has anything to di with it, lol).
Me and your mom have had a great time relaxing and looking around the shops. We had a lovely meal yesterday and this evening we had a meal at Fishy Fishy (this is Dermot O'Leary's restaurant, host of X-Factor, if that's still going when your older)
We've been talking about you and are going to the lanes in the morning up but you some clothes, we miss you loads. xxx

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Messing around with Dad

In the evening you normally sit and watch Lazy Town on the laptop, but today you are getting a little bored with that so we decided to mess around and take some pictures.
I was asking you to pucker your lips, which you loved, anything to do with make-up you love, taking after Jess there.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Hanging out with Big Sis Jessikah

This weekend Jess, Dunk and Matt came over to stay. You and Jess started playing in the kitchen and in your house. You were copying everything Jess did and were so funny.
You had a great time playing together and had lots of fun.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Toys R Us

We went to Toys R Us today to have a look around to see if we could find a toy that would help you stand better as part of your exercises, no luck but you had a great time playing in all the cars!!!