Monday, 7 September 2015

My First Day at 'Big Girl School!'

So, today was my first day at 'big girl school'!' I've had a really nice holiday week with mummy and daddy, we've been down in Salcombe playing on the beach, my first 'proper' hair cut on Friday (they washed my hair in the salon sinks with the shower and everything, a teddy bear's picnic at school, my friend Jorja's birthday party on Saturday and last minute school shoe shopping yesterday (silly mummy and daddy for leaving it so late!!). And, we went to my favourite restaurant for lunch and had yummy sushi!

Today was the day, mummy and daddy woke me up very early and made me a great big bowl of porridge for breakfast. They wouldn't let me get changed until I had finished breakfast so that I didn't spill any food down my nice new outfit! I wanted to put my new school uniform on 'all by my own' to show mummy and daddy what a big girl I am.

Izzy xx

Izzy was very excited to start school today, mummy and daddy were more than a tad disorganised (cue: frantically signing all of the forms that should've been handed in back in July at 6:30 this morning!). Izzy's hair looked lovely after her visit to the hairdressers on Friday, we had to tidy up the fringe a little but she looked munchy!

Mummy and daddy took her along to school for 8:30 as they get to play in the playground for 15 minutes before taking the register and then going in to class to get ready for their morning assembly (Ray and I took notes on Friday so we new what the protocol was!!). Izzy's little friend Amy was there, as was Piers, Ruby, Susie and Josie - all looking very sweet in their uniforms. Izzy was chuckling when the male teacher came out (he's a scruffy git with long hair that he wears tied up (he's supposed to be a fab teacher)), Izzy has named him 'Mr Ponytail' which she finds highly amusing!

After playing for 15 minutes Mrs Fritchley had taken the register and off we went inside! We realised quite early on that we were bad parents as we had neglected to buy her a book bag and didn't have the right coloured PE bag (I'm hoping the realisation that we're so disorganised won't be too traumatic for her! lol). Once you go in all the children put their coats and bags onto their respective peg (Izzy new exactly where hers was) and then go into their classroom and tell the teaching assistant what they would like to order for their lunch (today was pizza with sweet potato and peas), then, as soon as the 'tidying-up music' starts playing the parents leave and the children go off to assembly. On top of the book bag and PE bag incident, we had also forgotten to bring her a drinks bottle... we pop back home to collect and return to school!! - I think the adjustment is probably bigger for mummy and daddy than it is for Izzy!

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