Thursday, 23 July 2015

'Donken's Birthday'

It was Dunk's birthday on Friday, or 'Donk' if you're Izzy! 

Izzy's been excited at the prospect of both her big brother visiting but also a justification for making a cake!! - she likes to lick the bowl and be in charge of 'decoration' (read: make a mess).

We duly donned our aprons on Friday (daddy included) and set about baking. As it turns out your nana Sheena had mixed up the labelling system on her flour - with disastourous consequences!! Going by the 10mm depth of the cakes, I'm wagering that the 'self raising flour' was in fact plain flour! - I'm sure they'll taste fine!!!

To celebrate Dunk's birthday we went out for dinner in Cheltenham to a fab grill restaurant called Grid Iron. The food was great (you have never seen such an enormous gourmet burger!), Izzy opted for the meatballs and woofed it down before insisting that she got down from the table to have a dance! 

Izzy had noticed a mop fair in Montpellier Gardens on our way in and we had promised her that we'd pop in on our way back. - having eaten far too much I was less than keen to hop onto any of the rides but I drew the short straw and Izzy had her heart set on the tea cups! - to make matters worse she was giggling with delight (I was trying to keep the contents of my stomach down) and in response the lady running the ride kept on spinning us faster and faster!!

Today we're off to the Royal International Air Tattoo; Izzy's got her sound cancelling headphones with her which look very comical. - we'll update again in due course.


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