Tuesday, 8 July 2014

A STAR is born

Well what a day, today was your very first dancing showcase performance, you've been practicing every Saturday morning for the past month and we bought you your tap shoes and outfit as well.
It's the very first time we have been able to watch you as parents are not allowed in the class. We started you with Amy Bastin Dance classes a few months ago and you've gone from being very shy to looking forward to it all the time.
We were both a little nervous as you are by far the youngest, started a little shy when we first brought you and did not know what to expect!!    Well we did not expect what happened when you walked in...
I will try to explain piece by piece but we will have a video soon and will definitely post (won't you Kaybo))

You walked in with your 'bug' outfit all cute, there was a mirror wall at the back of the stage and while everyone else was looking at the audience you turned and kept eying yourself in the mirror, about 3 times.
Then the fun started, everyone started dancing, as did you but as all the other girls were looking at the teacher you looked straight at the audience, started dancing and moved into the front of the stage, and kept going!! We were in stitches with laughter and so was everyone else.
Then the teaches brought them all in a line to dance, not Izzy, you kept dancing and moving along the back from one side to the other, you were in a world of your own.
You mad me and your mom very, very proud, you were wonderful and a real star, I know I'm biased but you were wonderful, funny and a very special little girl who makes me so happy. I am very lucky every day with you making me laugh and smile, your a wonderful, special little girl and I love you more evey day, if that's possible. Dad xxxx
Ps. The lady on the picture is Miss Emily who was one of the teachers, she was leaving today to go to Derby University, she said you were her favourite and the one she will miss the most.

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