Sunday, 26 January 2014

Bath drawing and It's a torch!!!

Its a Sunday night and you've had your usual bath, which now involves drawing with you new 'bath crayons'. This has gone from little sketches of animals to a whole scene now. 
I have to say at this point that I (dad) seem to enjoy this as much as you and as you can see from the pictures were (I) am getting more creative each time, lol.
After bath it's play time and today you found a torch which kept you amused quite a lot. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Salcombe North Beach

We spent a lovely morning playing on the North Beach, we had wrapped you up in your new all in one suit and bought you some new Wellies.
You played in the sand, making a castle out of shells and kept running on and out if the sea shouting "it's coming" .
It wad a lovely morning and we also found a crab.
Afterwards we went to the Winking Prawn for a pot if prawns with chips, washed down with a glass of wine, and your favourite apple juice for you.
Ps, notice your moms signature sketch on the picture with Salcombe written in the sand, sicko!!! X

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Lovely Dinner......... Not!!!

All I can say is its a good job Nanna an Chris came down to stay with us for a few day because at least we ate, I at this point have to thank Chris for not only suggesting but paying for a hearty breakfast for us all in the morning.
The reason being is that we had planned to have a lovely chicken curry that night and even popped into the local shop to get some mushrooms etc. as the night went on and your mom was still cooking I was not concerned a dinner with your mom is usually late!!!
Then all of a sudden your mom said "the chicken was past it's date so I did something else, that's fine I said (it was now 10:30pm so we can just have a veg curry. How silly of me, instead I had a, wait for it............. sandwich which had taken 2 hours to make and for the record it was nice but not as nice as a chicken curry, lol. Funny mommy.

Walk 'or should I say carry' and the pub

We went for a walk today along the estuary with Nanna an Chris and it was a lovely day. I say walk but to be honest you were carried for most of the 5 or 6 mile walk, but we had a good time. You loved slashing in the puddles and also enjoyed splashing in the mud too.
We finished it off with lunch and a pint in the pub, which you also enjoyed. 
Mom gave you a lipbalm stick on a carabiner which was hooked on to your tops zip, this is because we have to ensure we protect your scar from the sun. However, you enjoy putting it on so much it had all gone by the end of the day, lol. Xxx

Salcombe Sweet Shop

You have started to get to know the streets now and as soon as we go into the Hig Street you get excited, point and shout "cho-cho train" this is a shop display that looks like it's made from gingr bread but with a working train that goes round in circles. You love it and just stare at it every time. So much so we have bought you a painting of the shop for your bedroom to remind us how funny you are.

Cappuccino and Milkshake .

We have found a lovely cafe called Sailor V which we go to every morning, you particularly like their Strawberry & Cream milkshakes, finished off with a bit of cappuccino!!! and a shortbread of course. Xxx

Salcombe Holiday

We have decided to go to Salcombe for the week, not been before and it's very nice too.
Cottage is nice and you settled in straight away, with the help of some of tour 'nanna's' favourite tipple!!! Lol.