Saturday, 8 November 2014

Holidays, at last.

We went to see Grandad Freddy and Vicky in Spain fir a week, we were a bit concerned about the flight as your not keen on loud noises, we need not have worried.
On take off, as soon as we started speeding down the runway you were laughing and wanted to go faster!!!
Then we hit a little but of turbulence, and you laughed.
The best was landing, when we hit the runway and the plane bounced you thought it wax hysterical with lots if laughing and shouting which everyone on the plane though was funny and started laughing also.
You wee very, very funny. Xxx

Breadon Hill and the Elephant Stone

It's November now and I have not updated blog for a while so I'm joking to catch up over the next few weeks. 
The first of these was back in September when we went for a trek up Breadon Hill, you said you wanted to walk but I ended up carrying you most if the way, which happens a lot lately!!! 
Had a good time, when we got to the top your mom spelt out your name with rocks (she spelt if right after ghdvghird attempt, lol) and you satcom the elephant stone but were a little disappointed as you thought it was going to be creak, lol. Xxx

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Your turning into a proper little lady now and have started looking at yourself in the mirror a lot. You have also become quite find of make-up and enjoy putting on your blushes and eye 'stuff' (not sure what it's called. Lol)
However, your love is lipstick and you often wear this. This morning was no different except you decide that your mom and I would also benefit from some lipstick.

What concerns me most is that after applying moms you des used that not only should I have the pink one, you actually spent quite a lot of time applying mine and did a far better job than both your moms and your own. I can only think it must be down to my peer lips, lol.

Anyway, here we all are, in bad, with the results.


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Birthday Girl - Part 4

Big Surpise - Balance Bike.

We saw these when we were in Italy and they looked great fun, apparently they are good for teaching you to get your balance and makes learning to ride a bike easier?? and they look good too.

Nanna bought you this so we donned you with helmet, gloves, knee and elbow pads. You looked a mean biker!!

You really like it and we have been round the village a few times already.

You look very beautiful, as usual. Xxx

Birthday Girl - Part 3

We went to the Cotswolsd Wildlife Park on you birthday, you loved every minute of it, playing in the park and especially on the train, we went on it twice.

Remarkably there is a video of this, just like the one at Peppa Pig world that YOUR MOM HAS NOT UPLOADED EITHER.....

We all had a great day and finished it off in the pub where you Nanna got very drunk and started smashing plates!!!!! Xxx


We have made a number of really funny videos, dancing, singing etc.
However you mom has failed to uoad them (I can't from my phone) so if they never appear on here it's here fault.

This is to shame her in to doing it NOW!!!

Birthday Girl - Part 2

You Mom made your birthday cake.... and it was interesting to say the least.

The thickest layer of pink icing you had ever seen, I'm sure I could feel my teeth decaying as I was 'chewing' my way through it.

And the sponge centre, firstly a strange semi-chocolate colour (your Mom said it was because she did not want to use all the chocolate filling mix??? because it would clash, with the 3 inch layer of icing??)

Anyway, as a result me and your mom are 7 pounds heavier and on a diet,, oh and I've booked my hygiene appointment at the dentist, lol. Xxx

Ps you loved it and we had to keep lighting the candles for you to blow our.

Birthday Girl - Part 1

After wrapping your presents and blowing up all those balloons we went to bed. I set the alarm and then this appeared on my phone.
Izzy's 3 today, born at 4.52am.
Happy birthday gorgeous, love you more than you will ever know, your a very special, beautiful girl that we adore and are very lucky to have you in our lives.
Love you lots and big hugs. Xxx

Daddy is a STAR!

Obviouse I know!!!! But I now have proof.. and I'm an expert too, lol.
What makes this funnier is that it was your mom who wrote and got this published (don't tell here she's quite good at her job)
So anyway here it is, an article in Your Home magazine about SafeChoice, and I'm suppose to be an expert?

Monday, 25 August 2014


We had been away for our anniversary weekend to London but got back and decided to have a look around IKEA with you and Dunk for furniture ideas for Salcombe. 

You were very tired but good as usual and tool to a rather large cuddly dog, which you would not let go. We even had to ask the lady at check out to scan it while you were holding him as it was getting to traumatic for you with the thought of him going on the conveyor belt!!!
Hi been named Pedro as your mom is getting you ready for your Spanish classes and any excused to bring Spanish into the conversation is being exploited, lol.

Another day in the office...

You like coming to my office and this afternoon you spend 4 hours with me. Mommy had lots of work to do (she can't multitask like me, lol) so you came with me. As usual you spend all afternoon colouring, drawing, eating cake and putting post it notes all over the wall. You played with Roshni drawing on the dry wipe board but as I started to tidy up after you realised you had used the green permanent marker. There's Monday mornings job duties, lol.

Playing in the Park

We had a lovely and very busy day today. We stayed in Birmingjam last night and went to the storage this morning with Lee, Nell and Kai.
Afterwards we went swimming and the later to the park in Bredon, which you love. "I want to go on everything" was your motto and that's exactly what you did. You are a beautiful, wonderful little girl and we love you more each day, if that's possible. Xxx

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Proper Hair Cut

I took you to the hairdressers with me as we both needed a long overdue hair cut. You sat quietly while I had my hair cut and previously you have sat on my lap while the lady cuts your hair.
Not this time, it was a new lady and she put you on a booster cushion, covered you in the black cape, wet your hair and you had a proper haircut.. and you were not to impressed really.
I thought you would like it but you sat there, very good, but with your 'sad face'.
However, your hair cut was perfect, with clips and your still as beautiful as ever, love you gorgeous.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Christening Time.... At last!

Well you are almost 3 now and we have been very busy so that's our excuse.
Anyway, we finally had you christened and you looked beautiful.
You uncle George, (my cousin) is a catholic priest now ( you wouldn't think it if you knew what he was like when he was younger, lol) done the service and he was fantastic. So here you finally are looking as beautiful as ever.... And your mom, only joking she was also as beautiful as ever. C
Ps. George did spill the holy water all over you, but you laughed it off, silly Fathwr George. X

The last picture is of my: (L to R) Aunty Mary (nanny Bells sister) uncle George (nanny Bells brother) Father George ( son of George, on the left and Ann on the right) Aunty Ann and nanny Belle.

More House Work

We've been spending most weekend working on the house and because if the nice weather been concentrating in getting the outside work down, gutter, fascias, painting etc. but so you don't miss out we've been letting you paint your little garden house however you want... It's bright pink at the moment and I will post some pictures soon. You've been a good girl playing in the pool and painting while we get on with everything, and had lots if fun too. Xxx

Singing in the Rain

Today had been a typically British day for the weather, sun, rain, warn, cold..... So we went out prepared for everything. You prefer the rain so you. An splash in the puddles. Here you are with your Peppa Pig Umbrella enjoying yourself. Xxx

Lovely time in Bath

We all went to Bath for the afternoon and it was a lovely sunny day so the first thing we did was take an outside seat at a bar and have drinks and a few snacks. 
You love it when we do this and had a lovely time. Especially eating the fruit from moms drinks, after that we had a stroll around town and the watched a women's cricket match which you really enjoyed. My phone battery died at the time so I never got the chance to take pictures but you were funny running around the edge of the green, you did not want to come home. We all had a lovely afternoon.

Playing Shadows

With the lovely summer evenings we have all been for walks and you have started to show a fascination in your shadow, it makes you a 'big girl' lol.
On evening you and you mom started making 'big girl' shadows, ( your mom finds it much easier than you) while playing in the garden. After that your mom made you a water slide filled with water at the end of your slide, she remembers when grandad use to do it in the garden when she was a little girl and says how much fun it is so she was more excited than you in setting everything up. You were your usual naked self and had a lovely time with mummy. Xx