Friday, 22 March 2013

Keep your feet flat!!!!!

You may hear lots about, its because you walk on your tip toes. You have ever since you started walking, you have been to the doctors and even the hospital. They have given us some exercises for you to do and if they don't work then you will have to have a cast, which your mom is determined will not happen.
So, exercises it is then, this involves you squatting, so we dance with you in the kitchen and we also have to push you foot and hold for 15 seconds. This, however is not one of your favourites, so we have developed a very creative way of do this...... painting your toe nails???
We hold your foot back while we so this and your that excited you don't moan, thud only problem is that we now paint your toe nails EVERY night, any colour. Your mom is even going to buy glitter varnish tomorrow, you look very cute though, Jess even posted it on Twitter. xxx

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