Friday, 22 March 2013

Cuddles with Mom

You feeling a bit tired, watching You've Been Framed (your favourite) and thought it would be good to let all you cuddly toys join in.

Keep your feet flat!!!!!

You may hear lots about, its because you walk on your tip toes. You have ever since you started walking, you have been to the doctors and even the hospital. They have given us some exercises for you to do and if they don't work then you will have to have a cast, which your mom is determined will not happen.
So, exercises it is then, this involves you squatting, so we dance with you in the kitchen and we also have to push you foot and hold for 15 seconds. This, however is not one of your favourites, so we have developed a very creative way of do this...... painting your toe nails???
We hold your foot back while we so this and your that excited you don't moan, thud only problem is that we now paint your toe nails EVERY night, any colour. Your mom is even going to buy glitter varnish tomorrow, you look very cute though, Jess even posted it on Twitter. xxx

Monday, 18 March 2013

Spring Walk

I got home from work today at 5 o'clock, it was a nice day so we took you for a walk/trike ride around the village to feed the ducks.
It started as a walk and you did your usual throwing pebbles in the stream before we put you in your trike. We stopped of to chat to the Sheepies and then the Moo-Cows before visiting the Horsies. ( your mom and I permanently refer to many thing now in stupid speak, especially when referring to animals, crazy) After that you had another walk, with your Raines on, again wanting to play in the stream, before we put you back in your Trike (moaning).
Came home, had tea and a bath before milk and bed. Your off the the physio tomorrow because you still walk with your left foot on tippy-toes (there I go again) to start some exercises.

Nanny Belle's Birthday

You Nan's birthday yesterday (17th March) so we went to Brum to visit. You and I went up early and I dropped you off with Nan, who took you to church along with Aunty Mary. You had a great time and as usual everyone loved you. I took Dunk for a driving lesson before we then met you mom at Nan's.
Everyone was there and you had a great time playing. You were particularly taken with the chocolate cake and wanted to blow out the candles with Kau.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Messy Girl

When we sit and rest in the lounge you love getting your toys out and make a right mess, today is no exception.
While updating your blog I looked up to notice you had stated taking out all the DVD's. that in itself is not too bad but then look at the whole room. Izzy at her lovely best.


Because you have started to walk everywhere now you love going outside. Your favourite thing to do is throw the gravel into the stream outside the house.
You pick up one and throw it one side of the drive, then pick up another and throw it the other side.... and again, and again until your mom and me get bored.
So, as a result we have started closing the gates because you move so fast. Today was the first day you noticed the gates and you were not happy. You went straight over and started shaking them. You started in the middle and then worked your way to one side, then the other. After that, when you realised you could not get out you started to wander and would not come in.
A very funny and clever girl, when we got home we had to fit a downstairs stair gate as you've started climbing the stairs as well now.
I think your mom and me are going to have a busy summer keeping up with you, lol.

Fireman Sam

We went into Tewkesbury this morning, as we usually do every Saturday morning for a coffee and cake. We went to Tesco and outside there was a Fireman Sam play car.
Mom put the money in and at first you were unsure as it started moving but soon come round and enjoyed it.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Hic hic...just like nan, again

We went out shopping and you fell asleep in the car. As your getting so heavy now I did not want to carry you around Sainsbury's so we decided to put you in the trolley.
People were smiling and pointing at you, especially when we started putting all the shopping around you.
The best part was when we rested the bottle of wine near you which looked like you we're drunk and had passed out.
Mom said "it's just like the old days when I use to come home and nan was passed out on the kitchen floor" My reply was "what do you mean the 'old days' she was like that last week, lol.
We love her really despite the drinking and love of bus shelters.

Happy Mothers Day

Here's you with mom on Mother's Day, we bought her a jumper, leather jacket and the best present of all was a gingerbread man with icing and a message from you with lots of scribble on.
You enjoyed helping mom eat it all up bit it wasn't easy as its your moms favourite.


I was at work and your mom sent me this picture she took while you we're both out walking.
It on my phone now as a screen saver, it always makes me smile :-) love you lots xxx

Grandad's Here

Your Grandad Fred came over from Spain for a few days and had a good time out and about, we even took you the pub, which you like and have a particular liking towards Guinness.
Before You went to bed we took some pictures of you, grandad and mom. You had more Sudacrem on, as usual. We're going over to visit him in the summer, so that will be good.

Bredon Hill Walk

We've been trying to get your sister Jess to go walking up the hill now for a year, but we finally managed to do it this time. We all went for a walk, you in your back pack. You fell asleep for a while but loved every minute of it. We were up there for 2 and a half hours with Jess, Matt, your mom and me. We all had a good time.