Sunday, 30 September 2012

My First Trike

What a day, first of all you had a bath, then cleaned your teeth them Nanny Sheena took you to the Beckford Car Boot (as she does most Saturdays) but today was a little special. She bought you a trike, and you loved it.

As soon as it was out of the car we were taking you down the lane, twice. Later in the day we went round to nan's and you just kept laughing, smiling and talking gibberish.

Even when I needed to tidy the kitchen you cried to sit in it and stayed there while I tidied up. You had a great day.

We even went up to see Jess and Dunk, Jess had her new iPhone 5.
On the evening we went to Pizza Express with nan and Chris and had a lovely evening. It's now 10:24 and you sleeping in your moms arms after having your bottle ofilk.

Sweet dreams gorgeous, love you lots. Xxx

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