Sunday, 30 September 2012

Hat Trick

I never use to like wearing hands, always pulled them off.
I've started liking them now though. We went to Chipping Campden today and it was a bit cold so I decided to wear both of mine and moms head band too. Xxx

My First Trike

What a day, first of all you had a bath, then cleaned your teeth them Nanny Sheena took you to the Beckford Car Boot (as she does most Saturdays) but today was a little special. She bought you a trike, and you loved it.

As soon as it was out of the car we were taking you down the lane, twice. Later in the day we went round to nan's and you just kept laughing, smiling and talking gibberish.

Even when I needed to tidy the kitchen you cried to sit in it and stayed there while I tidied up. You had a great day.

We even went up to see Jess and Dunk, Jess had her new iPhone 5.
On the evening we went to Pizza Express with nan and Chris and had a lovely evening. It's now 10:24 and you sleeping in your moms arms after having your bottle ofilk.

Sweet dreams gorgeous, love you lots. Xxx

Monday, 24 September 2012

Event Mobility

Here's a picture of you playing in the front room, I put a telephone head set on you and you kept it on for a while, trying to be like nan.

Rocking Horse

You've started playing on your horse a lot and even try to make horse noises.
You rock back and forth quite enthusiastically and love it.
Your loving nursery and starting to learn a lot now, when we ask you to show us your hair you touch it but when we ask you to show us your teeth you smile then point to your mouth, but slowly your finger carries on up your nose?????? And then you laugh, very funny.
You've had a bad cold for a week but much better now. Your a very beautiful and clever girl, make us all laugh all the time, love you lots gorgeous, dad xxx

Mommy's Bear Suit

Your mom went to Cheltenham with you and nanny, bought you some nice clothes along with a 'bear suit?'
I know your wondering why? But then it's your mom were speaking about.
Picture of her wearing said suit and she's worn it a few times.
Apparently she nearly bought you one, but decided not too. Lucky you. Xxx

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Cup of Tea

Since you started at Nursery you have become more inquisitive and started trying to more.
This weekend you wanted my cup of tea, I left a little at the bottom and you drank it all, not spilling a single drop. After we said give some to Ted, and you did. The next day we made you some tea in your drinking cup, which you liked. For tea you had mackerel, one of your favourite foods.
You have also started riding your little hire and you make horse noises at the same time, very cute.
Your fast asleep now, love you and night god bless. Xxx

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Post Bithday

We did not see Jess and Dunk till the weekend after your birthday as they were also on holiday. They bought you a hair set which you have taken too, although you prefer to chew on the brush handle ether that let us brush your hair.
When I went to pick Jess up from work, Richard (Jessie's boyfriend) let Dunk have a go on his motorbike in the car park.
Today is also your first full day at nursery, your mom called to check you were OK, all good and you had been outside playing, which you will have enjoyed.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

First day at Nursery

Your first full day at nursery is on Monday 3rd September. But before that you had 2 one hour morning sessions this week.
I took you on Thursday and your m on Friday. On both occasions you got there and never even look over at us.
You were so engrossed with everything, all the toys, noise and other children. you really enjoyed yourself. I have posted pictures of when me and your mom took you. Love you gorgeous xxx