Monday, 16 July 2012

Isobela Imola

A little late in the blog but I though you would like to know how we came up with your name.
Isobela is named after the biggest and most diverse of the Galapagos Island, hence the spelling, it also happens to be the same as your nan but hers is spelt Isobella (she loves you very dearly)
Imola, originally we were going to call you Katherine but we changed it because me and your mom went on a road trip to Imola to watch the Italian grand Prix and had a great time. I will post some pictures later. On the way back from Imola to Paris (we were visiting your great auntie Carol and uncle Bob) i got tired so your mom decided to drive, just as we got near Switzerland. I fell asleep and when I woke up we were still the same distance away from Paris? Your mom, and I still to this day don't know how this happened buy she drove AROUND Switzerland and MISSED it completely. Crazy lady but I do love her. We had a great time and it seemed 'apt' that we name you after a great road trip. Yes we named you after a European road trip, how romantic, but that's us for you.
So there it is, that's how you got your name. Love you, Dad xxx

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