Monday, 28 May 2012

Sunny Weekend

Lovely sunny weekend, 25 degree's, and your top tooth started showing today. Also, because it's so hot we decided to give you a bath, to cool you down. You were playing nicely and kept trying to stand up. Eventually I helped you stand and you slipped and banged your chin on the bath, making your Tongue bleed, very sorry. But as the good girl you are, very quickly your smiling and laughing again.
Monday and I came home from picking up Jess from college and you with your mum and have just your nappy on, "hot and bothered" said mom. We gave you your tea and your falling asleep in your chair and it's only 7 o'clock! In bed and it's only 7 o'clock, me and your mom went and done some gardening, planted our veggie patch (we had monitor on so don't think we abandoned you, lol)
Back indoors to watch Made In Chelsea and your still asleep, very relaxing for me and your mom.
Sleep well, dad xxx

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