Monday, 28 May 2012

Sunny Weekend

Lovely sunny weekend, 25 degree's, and your top tooth started showing today. Also, because it's so hot we decided to give you a bath, to cool you down. You were playing nicely and kept trying to stand up. Eventually I helped you stand and you slipped and banged your chin on the bath, making your Tongue bleed, very sorry. But as the good girl you are, very quickly your smiling and laughing again.
Monday and I came home from picking up Jess from college and you with your mum and have just your nappy on, "hot and bothered" said mom. We gave you your tea and your falling asleep in your chair and it's only 7 o'clock! In bed and it's only 7 o'clock, me and your mom went and done some gardening, planted our veggie patch (we had monitor on so don't think we abandoned you, lol)
Back indoors to watch Made In Chelsea and your still asleep, very relaxing for me and your mom.
Sleep well, dad xxx

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


I love playing outside, especially crawling around the garden. Dad had cut the grass and decided to let me crawl around, all i wanted to do was eat dirt or the plants, both tasted better than mums cooking! (only joking mum) As i was being a bit of a bugger dad decided to pick me up and lift me higher and higher, i really liked it and kept laughing so dad decided to throw me higher and higher, it was great fun and i kept laughing, plus i looked super cool in my Kidsban's sunglasses.  yipeeeeeeeeee xxx

Dad's super feeding device...

It was a really nice day so mum and dad decided to clean their cars. I had been sleeping in my pram outside but woke up before they had finished. Dad decided to put together a feeding device so i could have my bottle on my own, using masking tape... It worked to some point but i decided to play with the tape and pulled it down......
...... dad not wanting to be defeated by this then came up with MK 2, a much more efficient device which actually worked and i drank all my milk while mum and dad finished cleaning the cars  ........................... clever dad xxx

Saturday, 12 May 2012

My passport has arrived!

Mummy took me to have my passport photo taken a couple of weeks ago and sent off all the paperwork for my first passport and this week it arrived! Mummy and Daddy are taking me on my first holiday to Paris in a few weeks!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Starting to try and talk

Your just short of being 9 months old (today is the 6th May 2012, May Day Bank Holiday. You are now 690mm tall and weigh 19 lbs, you can now crawl, very fast, and stand up with the aide of a chair or the settee. Getting very good at generally moving and today you tried to climb out of your highchair. Your aso a bit of a speedster in your pink mobile Porsche!!!
Over the last few weeks you have been frequently making lots of noises and like humming whilst flicking your hand over your mouth.
You like it when dad dances, you find it very funny, giggling.

Your very beautiful and a very good happy girl. Love you loads mum and dad xxx

Day out at the Cotswold Farm Park

Today i went to see all the animals at the Cotswold Farm Park with mummy and daddy. It was a bit chilly so i had to wrap up. I went on the swings with Dad and we all had a ride on the tractor safari. There was a barn where you could feed the animals, i got quite excited and fed the sheep. Mum got really excited when she saw a massive bunny rabbit and wouldn't stop stroking it, silly mummy!!!
We also walked around the whole of the farm and watched the piglets escape!!! but they were happy playing with each other. I liked visiting the animals, it was lots of fun and i'm sure mum and dad will take me again.


Saturday, 5 May 2012

My first passport!

Mummy and daddy are taking me on my first holiday to Paris soon so I need a passport; my fringe is a bit long and I didn't like sitting still for the photographer!

My homemade shoes!

Mummy and daddy were painting the greenhouse and potting the plants outside and I wanted to go outside too. - it was quite chilly though so I had my snowsuit on. Daddy took my car outside so I could scoot around on the patio and to make sure my feet didn't get dirty they selotaped cling film around my feet! Check out my new shoes...