Saturday, 24 March 2012

The day I met the horses x

Right, well we're not technically chronological so we might end up pre-dating some of this stuff, but today is the first post of Izzy's blog! It was really misty this morning but you woke us up at silly o'clock so we took you for a walk to feed the ducks and we met two ponies in their field whilst we were out! - You loved it and were so happy and laughing, daddy said that I "don't let you play with anything remotely dangerous but am quite happy with you grabbing the horse!" It's now a really sunny spring day and we're about to head up to Birmingham to see your big brother and sister. xx

1 comment:

  1. It's Dad, i first left a comment just after your mom uploaded this post but due to ' technical' issues and in particular your mom tinkering with it. You will get use to that as your mom always wants the best (thats why she has me, lol)
    Anyway its now 9.50pm, we have returned from seeing Jess and Dunk and as i write this you have fallen fast asleep on my lap.
    Night god bless, love you.
    Dad xxx
