Saturday, 31 March 2012

Drinking daddys coffee!!

You weren't that keen on your banana breakfast this morning, you were much more interested in drinking daddy's coffee! - your little head nearly fits into the cup!

Friday, 30 March 2012

Sleeping in her own room for the first time!

Well tonight's the night, we finally got around to moving your cot into your room, and after a bit of deliberating over layout we managed to get everything in it's proper place! - with some left over play space on the floor! You're fast asleep now so we're hoping you have a good nights rest. Sweet dreams princess, god bless xx

Playing in the garden!

The weather's been fab this week (unseasonably so!) so we've been out in the garden for the first time! Tonight you were trying to eat the petals off the magnolia tree so we were wresting them off you!

Izzy learning to feed herself!

Whilst Daddy was in Germany last week with work you decided that you were big enough to feed yourself and I tried to video you doing it to send to daddy! - First time I was concentrating too much on filming you rather than where your little hands were! - i.e. trying to grab the food off the spoon and make a mess throwing rusk all over the place! Then you nearly shoved the spoon down your throat getting a tad over zealous, before getting it right! - Third time lucky!! x

Trying to keep your hat on!!

You're a bugger for pulling your sun hat off so I've devised the only method of keeping it in place: strapping your sunglasses over the top to keep it in place!! It's funny because it looks like you took the photo yourself!

Monday, 26 March 2012

Bath-time for Izzy!

Mummy and Daddy gave you a bath this evening; you always love having a bath! We covered you in bubbles! Daddy's giving you your milk now before bedtime.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Mummy and daddy after their Sport Relief 10k

Mummy and daddy ran 10k for sport relief this morning; it was really warm and sunny and we made the mistake of running 3 miles last night as some last minute training! We got round in a fairly respectable time of 00:56:00 and got our medals!

P.S. These are not the most flattering pictures of us as we were staring into the sun!!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Poxy Izzy...

You caught chickenpox in the first week of January, only just over 4-months old. The doctors weren't sure what it was at first as you only had one or two spots and no other symptoms. - we ended up driving to Hereford hospital at 00:30 one night to check (and nearly ended up taking an injured tawny owl home in the boot!) and they still weren't sure but the next day, all of a sudden they all came out and you were COVERED! That said, you were such a good girl and apart from rubbing your little face in the mattress at nighttime you wouldn't have known you were poorly. We also resorted to putting socks on your hands to prevent you from scratching yourself!

Izzy and her first book...

I love these photos, you look so funny. Firstly, so fascinated by the books contents and then so confused by it all! Cute x

Big girl learning to sit up...

Actually you're not all that keen on sitting up unless we pull you into the position, you're much happier rummaging around and getting into everything you shouldn't!

Weightlifting Izzy

At one point (before you were born) the only things we had for you were a oversized super soft bear suit from baby gap (which mummy and daddy bought you in bath), and a swimming costume! - we had great intentions of taking you swimming as early as we could but as yet, still haven't! Sorry. - we will soon I promise and I think you'll love it. Anyway, when we were tidying out your wardrobe and sorting out your clothes we thought we'd try you in your costumes! - the first one was now so small it looked a) obscene and b) 'snug' - you resembled a cute weightlifter!

My banana eating device

Got you this mesh contraption so you could feed yourself some things like banana. - great concept, pain in the neck to clean!

Plus... Check out my crazy bed hair!

My new favourite food...

...Banana yoghurt! Mmmm! Yummy!
'nom 'nom

Learning to crawl...

You started crawling when we first moved into April Cottage, at about 5 1/2 months! - quite early but you're a nosy sod and want to get into everything! - it started in quite a commando SAS style but now you're a pro! Into EVERYTHING!

Mummy and me at YO! Sushi!

This was in Touchwood a couple of weeks ago in Solihull; we liked the highchair so much we ordered you one for home!

- see, what got you one! x

Learning to feed yourself!

Daddy was on 'holiday' in Germany with work this week and we tried to take a video of you feeding yourself! - the first attempt resulted in you grabbing the food and not the handle!! - my fault for concentrating more on the footage than where the spoon was aiming!

Me in my sunglasses!

We actually bought these for you a few weeks ago and they're a tad too big for you; not sure you're that impressed with them anyway! - but they're good for you and they'll stop you getting wrinkles and needing Botox like your mum!

My first sun hat!

Couldn't resist this sun hat, you look so cute and it's getting really sunny here now so it'll get lots of use!

The day I met the horses x

Right, well we're not technically chronological so we might end up pre-dating some of this stuff, but today is the first post of Izzy's blog! It was really misty this morning but you woke us up at silly o'clock so we took you for a walk to feed the ducks and we met two ponies in their field whilst we were out! - You loved it and were so happy and laughing, daddy said that I "don't let you play with anything remotely dangerous but am quite happy with you grabbing the horse!" It's now a really sunny spring day and we're about to head up to Birmingham to see your big brother and sister. xx