Sunday, 27 March 2016

Easter Sunday

We all went to Eastnor Castle for the Easter hunt today, had a good afternoon playing. Xx

Izzy's New Summer Uniform

This is Izzy's summer uniform, just need to add the straw bowyer now!!! Cxx

Monday, 14 March 2016

Nan and Granddads 50th Wedding Anniversary

Here's a few pictures from the surprise party, you met a new friend and had a good time, as usual. X

Funny Sleeper

I went to bed tonight to find this little girl in a rather unusual position, fast asleep.

Just for Izzy

St Edwards Pre-Prep Class

Izzy is in the middle row, first on the right

Little Business Woman

On the way to school today Izzy 'had' to finish her APP game but she was very serious and looked like a little business woman