Monday, 15 August 2016

Granddad 70th Birthday

We're all at Desert Springs now and on Friday it was Grandad Freddie's 70th Birthday. There were lots of us there to celebrate, meal, play in the pool etc. I will post all the details of the holiday when we return but here Grandad Freddie and Nanna Wikkie..... More to follow

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

End of Term Photo

Well here you are with all your class mates for your end of year photo in reception year.
All from L to R
Mrs Diamond Anderson and Mrs Coombe
Back row:
Jack James, Lucy Sorting,Phoebe Clarke, Arthur Berry, Evie Richardson, Musa, Isobela D'Grady (as pronounced by you!!) Constantine.
Front row:
George Bradley, Annie Adams (your very best friend) Efa Clark-Cowen, Oliva James.

Ps your house is Lewis

Birthday Book Assembly

At school all the children can donate a book of their choice to the library for their birthday.
You chose 'The Princess's Secret Sleepover' which has a bright pink cover.
These are presented at the assembly and  what was funny is the girl next to you chose a book called 'Not All Princess's are dressed in Pink' lol

Monday, 4 July 2016

Izzy and Annie Part 5

You both ran around all day long, here's a video clip of you both, lol xxx

Sunday, 3 July 2016

My best friend Annie

Her you are with Annie, playing after school. Annie is unfortunately going back to live in America (Washington) in a few weeks😥 and it s real shame as you get on do well, your having a day out together soon, zoo, playing, meal etc so plenty more fun.

You messing with my phone

We drove over to Dumbleton today and enroute you took some photos of us and when we arrived a picture of the seer corn you are growing, which are growing quite well. Xxxx

Izzy and Annie Part 4

When we got home you both dressed up in your princess dresses. You both had lots of fun together laughing and playing.
You had a great day and loved every minute of it, a happy little girl. Xxx

Izzy and Annie Part 3

More pictures, and you sat with Snowy the rabbit and Annie sat with Alice the rabbit.

Izzy and Annie Part 2

More pictures of you and Annie. You also made a wish at the well and although you said you could not tell us what it was it did involve pets!!!!

Izzy and Annie Part 1

IWell, you have a very best friend called Annie Adams who is in you class at school but unfortunately Annie's parents are moving back to Washington DC in America. So your mum and Linda (Annie's mum)  have arranged for you both to spend some time together. 
So today we took you and Annie to the Cotswold Farm Park.
You had a great tune and afterwards you were that tired you fell asleep straight away. With all the running and screaming I'm not surprised!! So here are a few pictures of you both. Xxxx

Friday, 1 July 2016

Birthday Meal

After your party last week we all went out for a meal. Jessikah!!!!! Sent me this picture of us all which I liked of us walking through Cheltenham xxx

Well done Izzy

We have, or should I say Mum and I have a little star. We've been taking you to swimming lessons the past 3 or so months and you have passed stage 1, which is fantastic.
Mum and I are so proud and to our surprise we opened the weekly St Edwards newsletter to find the below picture of you with your certificate and badge.
Well done gorgeous, we've already signed you up for stage 2, love you loads xxxxx

Monday, 27 June 2016

Beautiful Girls

We had an afternoon pick nick at your school and it was such a lovely day we went to Montpellier for a drink, here are the beautiful girls outside relaxing. Xxx
Ps, your mum AGAIN left the parking ticket face down so that's the second one this year

Birthday Girl.......ish

Well it's not actually your 5th birthday yet but because it's in the summer holidays we though we would have an 'early' birthday so you could have a party with your friends.
It was a circus theme which you mum arranged and I have to say she did a great job, the cake, face painter and jugglers/balloon modellers were excellent. I was a little concerned with the fire juggling and the knives juggling whilst walking over a 5 year old but apart from that it's was very enjoyable.
Duncan, Jess came along too and you had a fantastic time with lots of presents. Love you with all my heart gorgeous, were very lucky xxxx


Mum and dad  went to the Monaco F1 Grand Prix with our friends Debbie and Duncan to celebrate our (Debbie, Duncan and my) 50th birthday year.
I have own Dun an for a very long time and your Big 'Grubber' Dun an was named after him.
Anyway we had a great time but we told you we were going away on a work conference, just so you now know, lol. Xxxx

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Happy Birthday Mum

Both my gorgeous girls. I'm very lucky, we all had a great day. Love you both loads and loads xxxx

Circus in Winchcmbe

For your mums birthday we went to the it us to watch Paint your Wagon, it was great fun and we all had a great time. You even went on at the end and danced with the performers.
And as ever you looked absolutely gorgeous, were very, very lucky. Xxx

Friday, 6 May 2016

Cheltenham Town Hall

You had your first dance show today at Cheltenham Town Hall.
You went with St Edwards school and performed as Toys, you were a wind-up you and we're very good, plus gorgeous as usual. Xxx

First Pony Riding Lesson

You started the first of your pony riding lessons, you have them every Tuesday after school now.
You had a good time and looked great in you rather 'large' hat. Lol xx🏇🏇🏇🐎❤️
Ps you liked the Llamas too. X