Thursday, 26 December 2013

Broadway Hunt

It's Boxing Day and we have gone to Broadway to see the hunt off. It's a lovely day with hundreds of people around, many with figs which get you excited.
We met Duncan and Debbie for a chat and now we are having lunch in the Lygon Arms, and all with 'George' of course (character from Pepa Pig) who you won't put down. You even woke up this morning saying "where's George" lol. 
You also look very beautiful today with you whit polar neck sweater and new scarf and gloves. Xxx

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Yo! Izzy!

Well, your daddy has been off work on holiday ALL week whilst mummy has still been working her fingers to the bone! - mummy had to pop into Cheltenham yesterday to collect a present as it's daddy's birthday today! - we wanted to also show you the Christmas Market on the promenade and you wanted to see the bubbles! - you call it 'the bubble shop!' You get so very excited! 

Well, after all of our shopping escapades we were peckish so decided to visit the new Yo! Sushi in town and you were (as always) very determined and wanted to use the chop sticks to eat your chicken! - you got in a bit of a muddle with them and found the most effective way to eat with them was to simply stab/spear your food! - hey presto, the chicken's now 'on' your chop stick! Lol!

You were also fascinated by the conveyer belt of little dishes hurtling by and wanted to try everything! Funny little girl xxx

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Christmas Tree Time

It's the 15th December and we have just pug he tree up. We've had a very busy December but finally got it done.
You were a little excited until a program came on the telly you like, then you sat watching TV eating the Christmas chocolate decorations off the tree while your mom and I carried on decorating.

Big Bro Driving

Went to see Dunk today and had our usual driving lesson. Went well and he's going really well, he has his theory test on Wednesday 18th December.
Here's a picture if him messing around looking through the rear reversing camera, he did not know I was taking pictures of the monitor, lol. X

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Remote Control Car

I was out with Dunkan today and whilst browsing he saw this car and wanted me to get it for you, and him I think!!!
It's a toys car for you to sit in but it has a remote control that the adult can use.
Dunk thinks you would love it, probably right and would be great fun round the village.
I was going to but then realised that it would mean your Nanna Sheena driving you round the villGe and that would be both unfair and dangerous as we can't run the rust of her being stopped for drink driving. I feel it would end up with Nanna and Sally in the car and you driving them back home, funny Nanna. X

Breathe Digital

Whilst writing the last post I pressed the 'select location' button which usually lists where we are, my usual choices are Kemerton, The Crown Pub or the Post Office.
However, tonight there was a third option, one which made your mom very happy. X

Now that's an Egg

When we got home (well Nanna Sheena's house actually) Chris had brought us a Rhea Egg from the farm.... and it's huge.
Chris drilled and blew the egg as firstly, you mom wants to keep the shell and secondly, taking a hammer to it would be a little extreme and ruin a lovely egg.
As you can see from the picture the egg filled a bowl. Your mom and I had a huge omelette each from it and it was lovely.
I'm sure you would have liked it given the chance, lol. Xxx