Monday, 24 June 2013

On the beach

We decided to go for an early morning walk on the beach, me and your mom decided to build sand dams to see which was the better at keeping our feet dry from the sea, whilst I made a proper dam your mom just buried her feet, which was not in the spirit if the challenge, lol. Dunk just said we were boring and skimmed stones off the sea, he was right.
Ps, I won obviously xxx

With Grandad

We obviously went and visited your grandad whilst on holiday and spend with him and Vicky at their home and on the beach, you had a lovely time playing and eating. At Grandads you liked the pool and playing with the dogs. Vicky kept throwing the golf ball and the dogs ran after which you found very funny, giggling. You had a lovely time. Xxx

With flowers in her hair (I'm sure it's a song)

Every night when we go and watch the 'entertainment' which is so bad it's good you always end up dancing and generally  messing around.
This evening you liked the idea of picking flowers and putting them in your hair, you did it again the next night. Here you are looking beautiful, as ever. Xxx

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Me and my beautiful mom

Your having a lovely time on holiday, talking a lot and being very funny. You've even tarted to guess which lift will come first, amazingly your right most of the time.
As ever always playing with your mom. Here's a picture of you both looking beautiful as ever and very happy.

Looking through the window

We went for a stroll along the promenade this evening and came across a small park, you particular liked the slide and playing boo through the windows.

Where's my drink?

We went and had an early dinner today and went to the bar afterwards. You sat at the bar waiting and then played on the dance floor, running round and met this little girl.

Playing with mom

We keep the rubber dingy on the balcony and you decided you wanted to play in it today, laughing and giggling. 


We went to Mojacar today, a small village on the side of a mountain with white painted houses, very pretty with stunning views.
First thing we did I was have a drink and some ice cream. It was very hot, 36 degrees but we had a good afternoon strolling around.

I prefer wine.

At dinner you always go for the alcohol, just like nanna!! Lol.
Today, even though you were sleepy and drinking your milk as soon as you saw the wine.... It was time to swap.

Espana 2013

Well we have all been here for nearly a week now and I'm just getting round to starting to update your blog.
We are here with your big bro Dunk, here's a few pictures of us all just to get started

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Izzy's first poo using the toilet

Nana Sheena bought izzy a toilet seat 'adapter' what a strange present to but for your grandchild, but a stroke of genius??? 
we went to the local pub with nana, Chris an Rory, afterward izzy kept saying poo so we took her upstairs and she grabbed the 'present' and went to the toilet so we at her on. And to our surprise she did a poo!!! Does this mean we have a 21 month old who now wants to use the toilet, we will wit and see but nana knows best, as they all do. Xxxx

Friday, 7 June 2013

Cotswold Farm Park Tractor Ride

You love tractors so at the park we took you on a ride around the farm, you were so quite for the 20 minutes, did not move just looked out and loved it, taking it all in. Funny girl. Xxxx