Thursday, 27 December 2012

2012, Oh what a year

Well we're getting near to the end of 2012 and what a year it's been for all of us. We moved to Kemerton, you started nursery, started to walk, your mom left her job and started her own business, we travelled over 2,000 miles on holiday and Jess got a job and Dunk started college plus we did lots more, a very fun filled active year.
But best of all you are growing up to be a very beautiful, clever, happy little girl that we are so very proud of and you you make us feel very lucky.
Love you more than you will ever know gorgeous. Love you forever and ever and thanks for making this year a very happy and special one. Xxxx

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Christmas House

For your Christmas present we bought you a play house and you love it. Lots of your toys are in it and you play with Teddy and your shopping trolley. Your walking lots now and getting very good, you make me and your mom laugh all the time. Love you lots and happy Christmas gorgeous xxx

First Hair Cut

On Sunday 23rd December 2012 you had your first hair cut, at Rage in Tewkesbury. Lady called Nikki cut your hair, did a great job and you were brilliant. Say still and quiet, we all then went for a coffee at Costa. Xxx

Christmas is nearly here!!

Here you are in your Christmas outfit looking beautiful. Your walking all the time now, getting better every day. Also, you came home from nursery with a bag of all the things you've made, including Christmas tree decorations ..... Clever girl.

Twitter with Jess

Twitter, I'm sure you will know more about this than me when you read this, or it will have been replaced with something else. Anyway, your big sister Jess is on Twitter and sometimes tweets about you. So I thought I would show some of the pictures and things she says about you, lovely, gorgeous Jess. Xxx

Friday, 14 December 2012

Holidays are coming

It's your mums favourite tune and a sign Christmas is on its way (your mum used to dance to this in the rave clubs in her youth, reaching for the lasers, lol)
It's the Coka Cola song from the advert with the trucks that are all lit up. Well one came to Cheltenham so we had to see it. We tried to get some good pictures but you just wanted to stare and point at the lorry, would not look round, but you enjoyed it. Xxx

It finally fits

Your Aunty Sam bought you this lovely coat for your 1st birthday, it was a little too big..... But not now, it fits perfect and you look gorgeous. Xxx
So does mummy too. Xxx

First Nursery Pictures

We time does fly, does not seem that long since you started and now we've just had your first nursery pictures. They are not the best because you were a bit uneasy with the photographer but still cute, despite having to wear that had. You mom wanted the pictures with the hat so blame her. Xxxxxxxxx

Now that's what I call lights

I do hope they keep decorating their house with Christmas lights just so you can see them as you get older. They are amazing, and they are everywhere, the house, trees, bushes, statues in the garden. You name it they have it, even a flashing roof. These pictures don't do it justice but it is good.

Dunk came down for the weekend and we went biking, I showed him them and he liked them but I still think I was more excited than him, lol. Xxx

Meal time

This one not actually about you, but I thought you would like to know we get up to as well.
We stayed up with Nanny and Grandad in Birmingham one weekend, we always see Jess and Dunk every weekend but this one you stayed at nan's so we went for a meal with Jess and Dunk. It was very nice, had fun and now I'm typing I can't remember where we went!!! I know it was in Touchwood Solihull and it was Italian...... That's it ASK ITALIAN......I think xxx

She's walking!!!!!!

It finally happened, on Friday 7th December 2012 Isobela started walking.
You were with your mum and she was holding your hand upstairs on the landing, you pulled your hand away and kept walking for about 5 steps.
When I came home from work you did the same again. You also walk on your top toes, when you fall back on your bum you smile and clap yourself.
It's now a week on and your walking really well, about 10 steps and you can stop and turn, your starting to walk really well. Love you gorgeous xxx