Sunday, 18 November 2012

Taking after Mommy

We were sitting in the kitchen and you wanted to play on the laptop. You kept tapping the keys, mumbling an then pointing to the screen, only you know what your saying but what ever it is you were totally engrossed and say there for 10 minutes.

A few days after this you caught Impetigo, which is a skin rash that's contagious so we have had to keep you away from everyone. You've also had a cold but hopefully all will be gone in the next week. Xxx

Kidneys........ On a plate.

Your mom is a wonderful cook, usually, but she has not been too well lately with a kidney infection and reacted badly to antibiotics which realities in an itch rash all over her body and itchy hands so she's not been particularly well. However, she went off to make dinner and brought this back? At first I thought it was one of her kidneys on a plate with mushed pasta, lol. It was however burnt stuffed peppers, with some of the previous days macaroni cheese.
Officially the worst meal your mom has cooked in the 3 years we've been together ( I've had a few but let's not talk about that) xxx

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Mummy's little helper

You were a very funny and clever girl tonight. At first you wanted to open and empty the cupboards, then it was laying in your new house (from Auntie Marie)
When it was time to tidy up was asked you to help and you copied us. At first you helped mom pick-up the dropped pasta then I started putting the rubbish into plastic bags, and you copied me. You filled up 2 bags and were very good.

Look at my new house

Went to see your Auntie Marie today and to give Toni her present. We have not seen Marie for a while so we also picked up your birthday present, and it was worth waiting for.
A big house that you can play in but also paint and draw on. You absolutely loved it and played in it all night. You were in and out with your toys and kept opening and closing the doors and windows. You were very funny.

Happy 19th Birthday Jess #mybigsis

It's Jessie's Birthday today so we had made a special t-shirt for her.
Went to see her today and she was a bit tired from a night out at Broad Street.
Ps: mom bought me the lion hat, she thinks I look funny. Xxxx

Bad Hair Day

I don't know..... It doesn't matter what I try I just can't get my hair right today.........

Friday, 2 November 2012

Sooooo tired I could drop

That's exactly what you've started to do. Your not sleeping much in the day now so your getting very tired at about 7:30 to 8 o'clock. The past few nights you've flaked out while playing on the floor. As I type this now your fast asleep. Love you lots xxx
It's Jessica's 19th birthday on Sunday and were off to Cheltenham tomorrow to get a t-shirt printed with a birthday message.


It was fancy dress at Nursery today so mum bought you a skeleton baby grow, with a hat, and painted scars on your face.... You looked fantastic.
They thought you looked good at nursery too. When I arrived with you I had to put my hand into some gunk to find a spider, which I did and you won a chocolate.
Later in the day all the children went trick or treating and you WER at the front smiling and pointing, you had a great day. X

It a REAL Horse....and nanny's on it!

Your nan came round today on Fin. Mom held you on the saddle and you loved it. Every time Fin moved you laughed and giggled, you were very funny.
I think you're going to take after your mom with your love of horses. Xxx

Event Mobility....can I help you

At nan's and your always wanting to get involved. Here you are with nan's head phones on.

Don't mess with me!!!

This is you stuffing your face with chocolate, I also wrote DAD on your knuckles. Don't ask me why just felt like it.
You were in your usual funny face mood.