Monday, 15 August 2016

Granddad 70th Birthday

We're all at Desert Springs now and on Friday it was Grandad Freddie's 70th Birthday. There were lots of us there to celebrate, meal, play in the pool etc. I will post all the details of the holiday when we return but here Grandad Freddie and Nanna Wikkie..... More to follow

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

End of Term Photo

Well here you are with all your class mates for your end of year photo in reception year.
All from L to R
Mrs Diamond Anderson and Mrs Coombe
Back row:
Jack James, Lucy Sorting,Phoebe Clarke, Arthur Berry, Evie Richardson, Musa, Isobela D'Grady (as pronounced by you!!) Constantine.
Front row:
George Bradley, Annie Adams (your very best friend) Efa Clark-Cowen, Oliva James.

Ps your house is Lewis